Where can I get some legal advice?
We maintain lists of legal referrals for each Minnesota County. In the list for your county, you will find contact information for organizations that provide free or low-cost legal assistance including legal aid. Some counties host free clinics at their courthouse or law library.
If you qualify based on income, you can submit your question to Minnesota Legal Advice Online (MLAO). MLAO has volunteer attorneys who provide free legal advice on civil legal issues. They respond by email and it can take a week or two, but the response will come from an attorney.
If you do not qualify for free legal help, The Minnesota Unbundled Law Project, has a directory of attorneys offering unbundled legal services (also known as limited-scope legal services) that are customizable for your needs and budget. This is often a more affordable option and allows you the opportunity to negotiate a price for a discrete task or set of tasks, rather than arranging for full representation. For more information about unbundled legal services, visit their FAQ.
Here is also a link to the Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS), which "connects persons with legal issues to one of over 200 qualified private attorneys practicing in over 50 areas of law. Referral counselors are available who can set up appointments with attorneys, provide general information about the legal process, and direct people to appropriate legal resources." You can call them at (612) 752-6699 or complete their request form..
This NOLO resources may also be helpful: Working With a Lawyer.
If you are looking for information that is not provided in this response, please let us know. You may use the link to submit a question to us or you may call 651-297-7651.